Pushcart Nominations from the Under Review

Despite launching two of our issues in quarantine, news of our Pushcart nominations, can now be spread to the masses.

We are happy to announce, nominations for poets Jalen Eutsey (West Perrine, Florida, ISSUE 2), Raisa Tolchinsky (Some Things You Can’t Understand by Punching Harder, ISSUE 3), and Maya Washington (Get Your Racket Back, Keep Your Eyes On It, ISSUE 2). Creative nonfiction writers Jason McCall (My Dad Still Watches the NFL, ISSUE 2) and Juan Carlos Reyes (Court of a Stolen Mixtape, ISSUE 3) and fiction writer Tasha Coryell (Drafted, ISSUE 2).

Throughout the week we will link to each piece and feature each of the nominees on our social media outlets. Congratulations to the nominees and thank you for your contributions to this journal.