we are open for submissions until may 1, 2025. Please view the submission guidelines below before sending us your work. all submissions must be sent through our submittable page, which you can access through the button below.
general Submission Guidelines
the Under Review publishes twice a year (Winter and Summer)
the Under Review considers original, previously unpublished fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry with a sports edge, glance, or focus. (This also excludes work published on any website, including author’s own site, from being submitted for consideration.)
Fiction and creative nonfiction submissions must be limited to 3,000 words. Novel and memoir excerpts are acceptable as long as they stand on their own. Short and flash forms are welcome in both CNF and fiction and up to three pieces in these forms, with the total number of words for all pieces combined not exceeding 3,000 is acceptable.
Poetry submissions must be limited to three poems or fewer.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but the writer must withdraw the manuscript immediately if it has been accepted elsewhere
Entrants may submit only one submission per genre/category. It is preferred that entrants submit in only one genre per issue (creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry). However, if submitting in more than one genre/category please communicate this in the cover letter to avoid clerical confusion.
chapbook contest
the UNDER REVIEW Chapbook is an annual contest featuring a complete work or collection with a sports slant, nod or undercurrent, subtle or overt. We publish one chapbook of poetry, non fiction, fiction, illustrated or a multi genre/hybrid per year.
Only one manuscript per genre per author per reading period may be submitted. Previously published poems, stories, essays, excerpts may be included in the manuscript. Please provide publication acknowledgements (title of poem/story/essay, where and when published) in the body of the cover letter.
The chapbook manuscript must be submitted as a Word Document (exceptions for graphic memoir/novella only: they can be submitted as PDF) NO MORE THAN 40 PAGES in length. The Table of Contents, any section page breaks, dedication pages, etc. do count towards this 40 page limit. Manuscripts should include the Table of Contents (if necessary) and the manuscript text only. Tables of Contents page(s) are necessary if more than one piece of writing (poem, short story, essay, vignette, etc.) appears in the manuscript. Use standard .doc or .docx files only. Remove all special formatting from your Word document before submitting.
FOR TEXT ONLY SUBMISSIONS: Do not include images in your manuscript.
FOR GRAPHIC MEMOIR/NOVELLA SUBMISSIONS: submit as PDF. If selected as winner, we will be requesting high resolution jpeg files.
Any questions or queries outside of designated reading periods should be emailed to the Under Review reserves the right to refuse any manuscript. Winning manuscript will be printed and distributed for sale. Only 50 copies of this limited edition publication will be printed with the winner receiving 5 copies, a reading/recording on our podcast to celebrate the launch, and a broadside to commemorate the publication.
Thank you to everyone who submitted to this year’s contest!