Terry Horstman started playing basketball as a child in Minneapolis and grew up to become the all-time lowest scoring player in the history of Minnesota high school hoops. A dubious record, but one that can never be broken. His writing has been published by or forthcoming from Flagrant Magazine, The Next, The McNeese Review, Taco Bell Quarterly, The Growler, Eater, USA TODAY Sports Media Group, Unplugg’d, and he once Googled ‘submission guidelines for The New Yorker.’ He is a graduate of the MFA in creative writing program at Hamline University, a co-founding editor of the Under Review, a co-host of the Belligerent Beavs podcast, and a co-many other things. He lives and writes in Northeast Minneapolis.

Follow Terry on Twitter.




Meghan Maloney-Vinz was a distinguished multi-sport athlete from a small Wisconsin town. When glory days gave way to reality, she traded her cleats, ball, and racket, for poetry and parenting. Since receiving her MFA from Hamline University in 2007, Maloney-Vinz has managed several literary journals including Water~Stone, and Runestone Review(s) and a small book arts press (broadcraft press). Though her writing muscles need daily coaxing, her spiral is still pretty solid, even on demand.

She rarely blesses the world with her tweets, but you can follow her on Twitter HERE.




Carlee Tressel is a player, watcher, teacher, daughter, and writer of sports. When she worked a campus job at a desk next to Meghan, little did she know she was trying out for a spot on her own personal sports lit Dream Team. Several years and creative projects later – including a book about the GOAT of the cold-rolled steel industry – she is honored to be the newest editor for the Under Review. Alongside her bookish bachelor farmer, Carlee writes and raises kids & apples in rural Indiana.

You can write to her at carlee at underreviewlit dot com.






Patrick Sexton is a multidisciplinary graphic designer and educator based out of Seattle, Washington. He is a recent MFA graduate (May 2020) from the Minneapolis College of Art & design. Currently working professionally as a graphic designer for The Pokémon Company International, he has also worked for DesignWorks Studio in Minneapolis, MN, The Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA, and freelance for creative non-profits around the United States. In addition to professional work, he has exhibited personal creative work in Minneapolis, Phoenix, and Seattle and has been published most recently in Cold Cube Press’ anthology Cold Cube #05 in 2019.

Besides art and design, Patrick is a replacement-level pick up basketball player, lover of jangly guitar rock music, and collector of 90s Arizona sports t-shirts.




Jennifer Universe is an award-winning author and illustrator. She is guided by curiosity and connection.She thinks vegetables are cool and has designed a line of clothing that says just that. Jennifer enjoys cooking, eating, laughing and drawing. Her words and illustrations have been featured in USA Today Sports Media Group, SB Nation and FanSided. She's got a habit of re-reading her favorite books even when she knows there’s so many other wonderful ones out there. She does, however, hope you re-read her books Make It A Good Day and The Caiman and The Butterfly. She’s excited to write more. Jennifer is still not sure what she wants to be when she grows up and she’s okay with that.