Posts tagged fiction

Leon Cameron, Vice President in charge of Artists and Repertoire for the American division of a German music company, spent the evening at a dreary Carnegie Recital Hall debut of a mezzo who was being promoted by the manager of the label's biggest star. So how could Leon have turned down the invite? But the singer had programmed an evening of Hugo Wolf art songs, tough going under ordinary circumstances, which she delivered with what Leon called a "Head in the Toilet" voice - listening to herself, pleased with the echoes, wrapped in an aura of sainthood, eyes crossed so she looked slightly batty..

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Open Tryout

The catcher squatted over home plate. He was trying out, too. I’d driven three hundred miles for this opportunity, but my head stayed in small-town Iowa. I was standing in my backyard near the fence. With my feet stacked atop each other, I was walking forward and counting to sixty, drawing the distance I had to conquer. I dug my cleat into the mound. I dangled my glove. I dug my cleat again. And I waited for my superstition to come true. All the greats believe in superstitions.

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When Kobe Died

Slim had his back to the basket and Beans was on him tight like a thermal. One fake to the right with his bony elbows and then Slim lifted off with his wiry frame, turned in the air, shot over Beans.

“Kobe!” he shouted. The ball caught back rim, hit the hardwood, rolled. The game stopped. Beans just stared at him and Loafer at the top of the key put his foot on the ball to stop it from rolling to the other side of the court.

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Scott Chiusanofiction
A Non-Starter

Joseph was the first brother to get punked for his jacket. But with respect to spiritual experiences, even the great interpreter of dreams couldn’t see legendary wide receiver Jerry Rice. So when Putty and his boys rolled up on me in my fresh-off-the-rack 49ers Starter Jacket, I braced myself for a fate worse than the pit.

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The Barbecue

The barbecue was just getting started, and Dad was already grilling. Cass had decided she was a vegetarian last week. She had been holding her baby brother when she realized that he was made out of meat.

“Can you help with my pinkie toes?” Betsy asked. She had forgotten her allergy medication, so her voice was thick and phlegmy, her eyes red like she’d been crying.

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Beach Girls

Ask Slater to drive you to the meet at Stone Steps. Your mom has the truck today. Big surprise, Slater never shows. Walk past the Dairy Queen and the LiquorMart as you hike west to the beach. Rafe’s already there when you arrive. His lips turn up in a smile that eats up his face. He’s got his skateboard with him. Do you wanna see a new trick? You do.

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Sarah Faulknerfiction