Everyone Has A Plan

“Heng! What are you thinking about?”

I open my eyes to find Socheat looming over the sofa where I’m lying, trying to calm and ready myself. There’s always an electric feeling in my chest on fight days, like a storm willing itself into life.

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FictionJaime GillFiction
Graig Nettles and the End of the World

Sometimes, I believe that there has been nothing more important than Graig Nettles, especially on days like today when my son, at second base, turns his shoulders towards right centerfield, a low floating pop-up that seems out of reach from him and the nearby centerfielder.

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CNFScott PalmieriCNF
Fahrenheit .406

My parents were in the bottom of the 8th. At least. They had been together for 63 years. Long enough to remember when pepper was more than something encrusted on sushi. And a can of corn was not merely something from the Cub Scout food drive. 

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FictionScott MacLeodFiction
Grandpa's Putter

At some point I ended up with my grandpa’s putter. 

Not any of his woods, irons, or wedges, not even a headcover – just the old brass putter itself, here in my garage. By my count, this is the sixth home in which I’ve had the putter: one-third of the way through a round of 18.

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CNFRyan EshoffCNF
Meditation on the Lake Placid Lacrosse Tournament

The Lake Placid Lacrosse Summit is an annual tournament held in Lake Placid, NY. Running for thirty-five years now, it is one of the oldest and most prominent adult lacrosse tournaments the game has. It features unrestricted Open Divisions through the 70+ age brackets. It is an annual gathering for people from across the lacrosse community.

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PoetryDaniel JohnsonPoetry

It is Alba who suggests football. Her father has offered her two tickets for the game at the weekend. Los Blancos. She asks Rob if he wants to go with her. Give them a chance to get to know each other socially like he requested.

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FictionP.W. LewisFiction
Zain Retherford's Olympic Dream, and the Sport That Won't Quit Us

Back in December 2023, Zain Retherford took a job at a New York City investment firm. In some ways, his path to this job was a typical one: he’d just finished his MBA at Penn State, the same school where he’d previously majored in finance as an undergraduate. But in one crucial way, Retherford’s story was decidedly atypical. Imagine Patrick Mahomes as an insurance salesman, or Kylian Mbappe as a software engineer—that’s the equivalent of Zain Retherford on Wall Street.

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CNFJustin MuchnickCNF
Seasons of Water

Three days before the cold February morning when they buried his body, Albert Benson returned home from his weekly games of eight-ball at the Cottonwood Elk’s Club to an automatic-opening garage door that refused to open.

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