A Fable About Peppering

In a TV sized gangway 

she bumps a volleyball to her-

self with sporadic success.

To retrieve most mishits 

she must unlock 

& relock the gate, 

& often trips over 

the first stoop step 

before she can catch 

balance against the sharp 

rusted finials, take a short 

rest, catch breath, & grimace

as the newest bruise rises. 

The gold ‘OFFICAL’ logo’s

glow shows itself from 

under dumpsters, unruly 

bushes & parked cars. 

Beaded braids 

dance along to 

today’s Spotify 

mix, a celebration of

making the middle school 

team as a gawky novice.

By the time she makes

varsity these constraints

will be conquerable except 

the soles of her only 

gym shoes grinding down 

on the rugged concrete. 

The shift between songs

is always a distraction,

drawing her back 

to the porch outlet

next to the ashtray 

to ensure the vibe 

survives as she wonders 

if she’s the only player 

accepted who wants

it bad enough to strive.


A teammate arrives 

at twilight, a pristine 

off-brand Dri-Fit t-shirt

twinkling like a safety reflector, 

family having insisted she finish 

dinner first because you need fuel 

for passing practice to become reflexive.

The girls take to the street, 

spotlit by separate lampposts, 

comforted that between the two of 

them they can see oncoming traffic 

both ways & keep the ball from falling.

ALEX WELLS SHAPIRO (he/him) is a poet, artist, and organizer from the Hudson Valley, living in Chicago. He serves as poetry editor for Another Chicago Magazine, and co-curates Exhibit B: A Literary Variety Show. He is the author of a poetry collection, Insect Architecture (Unbound Edition, 2022), and a chapbook, Gridiron Fables (Bottlecap Features, 2022). More of his work may be found at www.alexwellsshapiro.com.