
Watch a pine sway in gusts for an hour,
         or even minutes: the subtle design,
nonchalant stretch and yawn,
         belie its desire, a burst of shamrock
high in azure sky: sublime theater
         reminiscent of NBA legend Bill Russell
defending a baseline, or his principles:
         strong; obstinate; dignified; single-minded:
drawing a line that he dared anyone to cross:
         and if the FBI still opens files on such lives
as matters of national security, may this leaf
         be slid inside and the others excised, paper
crimes to be crumpled and swatted away,
         airballs adrift in the spineless breeze.


BARRY PETERS lives in Durham and teaches in Raleigh, NC. A former sportswriter, his publications include The American Journal of Poetry, Best New Poets, New Ohio Review, Poetry East, Rattle, and The Southampton Review.

Barry Peterspoetry